A news & discussion show about Women!

Named for Aphra Behn & Lisa Ben
A show devoted to Books by & about & for women and specifically spotlighting literary pursuits from LesFic, WLW, Sapphic, Queer, Trans Genres!
Women Aloud! ~Select Archives Below~ Be(h)n’s Book(shelf)
The Literate Queer Woman Shawn Marie’s Porno My Naked Journey
Despite the world and the space/time continuum not giving space or funding for these two radio shows -podcasts if you roll that way- I still prepare for them weekly. “Show Prep” continues to help channel my activism only, sadly, it stays mostly as behind the scenes information. I feel there is still a need for these shows to exist and be, pardon the pun, broad casted. Maybe, again, in the future…
“The Literate Queer Woman” is a roaming historical Multimedia presentation about Lesbians in literature-You can book me for libraries & colleges Galore!
It’s not porn! rather a raw explorative romp of a One Woman Show about the journey & how to live it.

SMP Samples: