7/10/21 Dear Maud with no e,

7/10/21 Dear Maud with no E,

You do not know me. I do not know you. We will not ever meet in real life. (Run don’t walk to read that title by Samantha Irby) Yet, you are absolutely responsible for my joining Nails ‘Natch (this is not he real name of the group, if there is a group that goes by this name- well done on the name choice! And I am sorry for evoking you to disguise the actual nail group I did join. Blame it all on Maud with no E) on Facebook.

When I first received the invitation from a regular school chum (and by regular, I mean school, and not in a dismissive or less than way, it is simply how I differentiate from my “regular” school chums and my “art” school chums. I know for certain my friend is extraordinary, way beyond regular, incredible high praise to her, so hush.) I was a bit flummoxed to be honest. I didn’t know what the group was for and I didn’t know why she would have thought of me when extending the invitation. My head was full of a lot of “whys” and “whats” and “goodness graciouses” for what social media has become.

None of my questioning stopped me from clicking the link to investigate the group. It was my friends side hustle for a new (at least to me) nail polish that you apply like stickers to your nails. Clever, though it still left me bewildered as to why my friend would invite me, and then I remembered I actually have a zany mini vlog that is all about the color of my world as I see it/tell it through my nail polish! It is a mere contrivance for what I am actually talking about or sharing but the nail polish is an integral part. My friend really saw me! Or she was merely boosting her audience in the hopes of converting them to customers- I cannot fault her for that, it is the way marketing has seeped into our lives as a normalcy.

I was about to click away without making any decisions about joining or not, when I accidentally clicked on the list of members- and there you were! Not you exactly for I am sure you were out living your fabulous life, but your name: Maud, simply Maud, with no e and I was so charmed that I joined immediately! I love the name Maud (with or without the e) and by way of that love I love that there are people living with that name!

Now, I have not ever met a Maud. At this rate, I may never meet a Maud. But I can be in a Facebook group with a Maud! I can dream! So much so that I am seriously entertaining trying some of these stickers made from nail polish that you file to shape around your fingernail length, something I wouldn’t have even heard about before and if someone had told me about this particular product, I would have not believed its existence. And then I saw that you posted pictures of your own nails sporting a color I have seriously been considering buying!

Viva Mauds Everywhere!



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